Written work
If you need anything written, contact Trevor Eddolls at iTech-Ed.
iTech-Ed's contact information is shown here.
Articles and blogs published online:
Trevor has a regular blog at Mainframe Update
Trevor has articles on the TechChannel website. He also has articles on the Spiceworks (was IT Toolbox) website.
In addition, his blogs appear on the Planet Mainframe website.
Books written:
- VM Performance Management, published by McGraw-Hill.
- Introduction to VM, published by NCC Blackwell.
- ASO: Automated Systems Operations for MVS, also published by McGraw-Hill.
Articles written:
Articles written by Trevor Eddolls have appeared in a wide range of publications including Computerworld (US edition), Enterprise Client/Server, Insight IS, VM Update, VSE Update, NT Update, Domino Update, Oracle Update, News IS, and most of Xephon's mainframe-based publications.
In addition, Trevor has been interviewed very many times by journalists looking for information so they can understand the significance of a particular story, or for an expert comment on the story.
Trevor Eddolls has written articles that were published on the Enterprise Systems Media Web site:
- A Wake-Up Call! in June 2019.
- Coaching Mainframers in October 2015.
- Mainframe Penguins in August 2015.
- Having Your Cake and Eating It in July 2014.
Trevor Eddolls has written articles that were published in Enterprise Tech Journal:
- Strategies for Migrating Your Mainframe to IPv6 in the August/September 2013 issue.
- IMS: Stretching Across Computing Platforms and Applications in the Winter 2013 issue.
Trevor has written articles that were published in zJournal:
- The z114: Delivering Game-Changing Opportunities in the March/April 2012 issue.
- "Ways to Save Money and Improve IT Services" in the December 2011/January 2012 issue.
- "CICS Top Performance and Tuning Issues" in the August/September 2011 issue.
- "IMS and Cloud Computing" in the October/November 2010 issue.
- "IMS: An Exciting Future Still Ahead" in the August/September 2009 issue.
- "Mainframe Application Modernization" in the February/March 2009 issue.
- "Enterprise Information Integration: A Common Language for Mainframe Data Sources" in the October/November 2008 issue.
- "Achieving successful database auditing" in the June/July 2008 issue.
Trevor's article entitled "Mainframe Application Modernization" is also available from IBM - click here.
Trevor's article entitled "Mainframes: life begins at 45" can be found in the Institution of Engineering and Technology's Engineering & Technology magazine - issue 20 (cover date 21 November - 4 December 2009).
Trevor's article entitled "Database archiving for the future" can be found in the May-June 2008 issue of Mainframe Executive magazine.
An article about the Virtual IMS Connection user group and Web site was published in the IBM IMS newsletter 0801.
Trevor has had two articles about Microsoft's Visio published on the Accounting Web site. The articles can be found
here and
A similar article is available on the Training Zone Web site
here, and at the HR Zone Web site
Trevor also had an article entitled, "Which is the best browser for me?" published on the Accounting Web site. The article can be found here.
iTech-Ed produced the Arcati Mainframe Yearbook in 2020, and every year since 2008. Mark Lillycrop's Arcati organization describes the Yearbook as, "The one-stop independent reference work for users of IBM mainframe systems". It contains an annual user survey, an up-to-date directory of vendors and consultants, a guide to sources of information, a strategy section with papers on mainframe trends and directions, a glossary of terminology, and a mainframe evolution section. The Yearbook is available free in PDF format. The 2020 Yearbook is available
iTech-Ed provided the Glossary section for the Yearbook in 2005, 2006, and 2007.
Trevor writes and produces a bi-monthly (every other month) newsletter for the Virtual IMS user group and the Virtual CICS user group. Copies of recent newsletters can be found here and here.
Trevor Eddolls has written articles that were published in NaSPA's Technical Support magazine:
- "TCP/IP Monitoring" in February 2005.
- "Composite Applications - A Beginner's Guide to What Products are Available" in September 2005.
- "Application Development Choices" in November 2005.
- "AJAX - offering desktop-level development quality over the Web" in June 2006 (the feature article in that issue).
- "Web 2.0 - what is it and why should I care?" in August 2006. This article was also published in Network Support magazine.
- "CICS containers and channels" in September 2006.
- "Don't miss the Enterprise Service Bus" in November 2006.
- "Virtualization: Real Advantages" in April 2007.
- "Mainframe Futures" in May 2007.
- "IBM's Project ECLipz: What is it and Why is it Important?" in June 2007.
Trevor also contributed to NaSPA's third podcast. You can listen to the full podcast by going to http://feeds.feedburner.com/naspa and clicking on the link saying, naspa-64630-06-08-2007.mp3.
Trevor also has a number of podcasts on the DataDirect site:
- Modernizing Mainframe Applications.
- Shadow V7.2.1.
- Future of the Mainframe.
- Arcati Mainframe Yearbook.
Trevor's article entitled, "IDEs for middleware - a beginner's guide" was published in the November 2007 (Volume 21 Report 4) issue of MiddlewareSPECTRA.
Trevor has written two articles for the Techie Crossing Web site. The first one is called "Database Auditing: Who Did What, to Which Data, When?". The second is called "Database Archiving for Tomorrow".
Trevor has produced a White Paper for William Data Systems, and documentation for internal use by NetManage, McKinsey and Company, and NEON Enterprise Software.
He has written many articles that appeared originally on Anura Gurugé's IT In-Depth site,